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Cartridge heater

Standard product - Card type electric heating tube
Standard products - Card type electric heating tube Standard product - Card type electric heating tube

Cartridge heater

#cartridge heater #coil heater #sheathed heater

Among sheathed heaters, the “round section cylinder heater with a 2-core feed-out on one side” is also called a “cartridge heater”. The high-density insulator (MgO) is used for stuffing, too. Mass production is easy and pricing is friendly.

Strengths of JIADA Cartridge Heaters

Single-section control, multi-section control, and uneven control can be designed in the same cartridge heater reflective of the different power requirements.

Multiple Packages Available

Single-side or dual-side feed-out, a sheathed heater can come with one or two winding wires.

Stuffing with the insulator is consistently highly dense to render maximized overall power.

Basic Composition & Technical Data of Standard JIADA Cartridge Heaters

Should you have demand for cartridge heaters, feel free to make inquiries about customization pricing.
Cartridge heater Description
Composition Power cord PTFE purely nickel conductor, with a temperature tolerance of up to 260℃degrees
Insulating material Magnesium oxide (MgO)
External protective sheath 304ST, high nickel alloy *For other materials, feel free to make inquiries about customization pricing (with MOQ requirements)
Heating wire High nickel alloy
Specifications and tolerance



  • The safety watts are 20W/cm²
  • Watts +7%-5%
  • Resistance +5-7%
  • Dielectric strength0.8KV
  • Impedance >20MΩ
  • Micro leak current <0.1mA



  • The safety watts are 20W/cm2
  • Watts +7%-7%
  • Resistance +7-7%
  • Dielectric strength 1KV
  • Impedance >20MΩ
  • Micro leak current <0.1mA
Deployment method Single-section control 單dan控控
Multi-section control 單田控控
Unbalanced control 單田控控

Advanced composition and changes of Standard JIADA Cartridge Heaters

Should you have demand for cartridge heaters, feel free to make inquiries about customization pricing.
JIADA standard product advancement material change JIADA standard product advancement material change
Item Description of available material Type A Type B
Electrical wire Bare wire V --
High-temperature wire, with a temperature tolerance of up to 700°C V --
Teflon wire, with a temperature tolerance of up to 260°C V V
Silicone insulating wire, with a temperature tolerance of up to 180°C V V
Insulating ceramic string that comes with the bare wire, with a temperature tolerance of up to 600°C (fragile) V V
TC J Type V V
K Type V V
Fixating parts Washer & flange V --
Bushing V V
Insulating sheath Sheath with silicone externally and glass internally V V
Sheath for a serpentine tube V V
Sheath for a ribbed tube V V
Others Elbow feed-out V V



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